Monday, November 18, 2013

test project and recycled cup

Today Jean and Linda reminded me of the process i had once tried - - >   Fusing  napkins to paper or chipboard . This is done by melting a layer of plastic wrap between them using an Iron.  (there is a you tube video on the process).
I did not have great success doing it in the past but  I decided I should give this a second try to be fair.  This time I was probably heavier with the heat. it was ok but I am still not too impressed with the method. I am also concerned with the fumes of melting the plastic.
I won't say I will never use the process,  but I might not.

Also today i was thinking about my enjoyment of junk journals.  I have enjoyed them before and Dede was enjoying working on one this morning so it was fresh on my mind.
Another element of the day was a drink cup sitting in my kitchen from yesterdays stop at a fast food joint.

Combining all those thoughts --> voila <-- - I decided to cut open the drink cup and see if I could use that waxy surface to bond napkin or tissue paper to the drink cup and at the same time flatten the cup out to be used in a junk journal.   It actually worked super well.  And the melting of the wax did not seem to smell toxic ( but I am not an expert in that area so melt at your own risk).
The bottoms of the cups could also be recycled into christmas ornament frames for a children's craft project. 

     - - I used a paper bag to protect my ironing board and my iron
     - -  an iron on a fairly hot heat setting to melt it together

Next time I come across other containers with a waxy surface I will want to try this process with them as well. 

Here's a couple of photos
Let me know if you use drink cups for recycled art at your house.

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